Hi Vassili
Could you please post any routine which you used for scoring? It is hard
to tell from the input only.
On Fri, 28 May 2010, Vassili Maroussov wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> With a simple problem setup - neutron beam hitting 2x2x2m^3 scintillator
> cube - I'm observing strange statistically relevant oscillations of the
> visible energy spectrum (an the higher spectrum edge). These oscillation
> appear for neutron energy around 200MeV. What can be a reason for them?
> Best regards,
> Vassili
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, DGS-RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail: Stefan.Roesler_at_cern.chReceived on Sat May 29 2010 - 16:36:52 CEST
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