Dear Andrzej,
as Alberto wrote the agreement is quite fair... but what is the lowest
experimental limit in energy in the neutron detection? I cannot access
now the Pienkowski article, but this limit must be checked... in your
input file you wrote 0. as lowest limit in the USRBDX card (that means
that you start the calculation not from zero but from the lowest thermal
energy bin) and in principle you could have computed neutrons in a energy
interval not detected by the experiment.. this could maybe explane the
(small) difference you find.
Hope it helps,
Best regards,
> Andrzej,
> what is the statistical error of your USRBDX result?
> Even if it was zero (which it cannot be), the result is larger than the
> reported experimental value by less than 2 standard deviations
> (experimental).
> I find it a fair agreement...
> Alberto
> On Fri, 30 Jul 2010, Andrzej Wojciechowski wrote:
>> Hi Alberto,
>> Thank you for you explanation - Number of secondaries generated in
>> inelastic interaction per beam particle"
>> refers only to neutron with energy> 20 MeV.
>> I have a one question yet.
>> The numnber of the escaped neutrons scored by USRBDX card in the
>> boudary between 3 and 4 regions is equal to 42.8 (see attachment) and is
>> greater than experimental data (38.8+-5%).
>> What is the reasons? What I have done badly?
>> Kind reagards
>> Andrzej
>> Dnia 26-07-2010, pon o godzinie 06:52 -0700, Alberto Fasso' pisze:
>>> Sorry, I had not understood that you had MORE neutrons exiting the
>>> target
>>> than produced inside it.
>>> A likely explanation is the following: in the final statistics of the
>>> FLUKA standard output,
>>> "Number of secondaries generated in inelastic interaction per beam
> particle"
>>> refers only to neutron with energy> 20 MeV.
>>> Produced low-energy neutrons are accounted for separately in the same
> part of
>>> the output.
>>> Alberto
>>> On Wed, 21 Jul 2010, Andrzej Wojciechowski wrote:
>>>> Dear Lucia and Alberto
>>>> Very thanks for your help.
>>>> Unfortunately problem is not clear for me yet.
>>>> In my opinion 'Number of secondaries generated in inelastic
>>>> interaction per beam particle" means all produced particles (37.8
>>>> neutrons).
>>>> This number have to be greater or equal than escaped neutrons scored
>>>> by USRBDX card in the boudary between 3 and 4 regions. The USRBDX
>>>> card
>>>> using current option (not fluence) give the results - 42.8 neutrons.
>>>> (Experimental data 38.8+-5%)
>>>> Why all produced neutrons (37.8) is less than exited neutrons (42.8)?
>>>> Im my opinion all neutron are inelastic in this problem.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Andrzej
>>>> Dnia 20-07-2010, wto o godzinie 10:51 -0700, Fasso, Alberto pisze:
>>>>> Dear Andrzej and Lucia,
>>>>> the main reason for the difference between neutrons produced and
> neutrons exiting from the target
>>>>> is that not all produced neutrons can escape, but some interact
> inside the target, getting absorbed.
>>>>> Alberto
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