Dear Sir,
Thanks very much for two experts' reply firstly!
I find that I don't specify the complete path of my file in the
following of OPEN card.
When I use the complete path, the program can read file one line by one
line correctly.
In fact, I use open command in the initialitation block is
successful. I just try to use OPEN card to
open file in order to reduce the number to compile source when open
different input data files.
Thank you very much!
Hantao jing
Anna Ferrari wrote:
> Hallo Hantao,
> first of all: you sent all the files of your problem except the one you
> want to open... but this is not so important for a first answer.
> Also, I have the suspect that the error you report is referring to a first
> attempt you did, where you tried to use the OPEN command in the source
> routine (I saw the commented lines...).
> Let's go by order. I think first that if you want to use the OPEN command
> in the file .inp you have to specify as always the complete path of your
> file, otherwise FLUKA looks for it in the temporary directory created at
> runtime.
> But there is something else: I guess you tried to use the card OPEN in the
> input file because you had problems in using the OPEN command in your
> SOURCE routine, where you have correctly specified the complete path of
> your file. In that case the problem is that you have put the READ command
> not in the initialitation block but in the part of the routine that is
> read for every new event, so that after the first event the program stops
> (because the end of file has been aleady reached). You have just to move
> the READ command in the right place.
> A last thing. I don't know how is your file with the starting coordinates
> of the primaries, I guess you are using a pointlike source and just
> rescaling the positions: if this is not the case and you want to use a
> spatial distribution you have to sample at each new event from that
> distribution, see for example:
> Hope it helps,
> best regards,
> Anna
>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>> When i use a OPEN card to open a file, the following error
>> happens in XXX.log file:
>> list in: end of file
>> apparent state: unit 60 named CS1rev.txt
>> last format: list io
>> lately reading sequential formatted external IO.
>> What is wrong? Thank you in advance!
>> Hantao
>> 2011.1.10
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