Dear Anna,
first of all: in the SI, the International System of Units, the unit for
the absorbed dose (and not the energy density) is the Gray (Gy) and not
the rad. The use of the old unit rad ( = 10 mGy) is then discouraged.
Said that, I have the impression that if you express the material density
in g/cm3 your relation does not work... please check.
Kind regards,
> Dear FLUKA developers,
> I have questions.
> I try arithmetically to recalculate energy density in rad:
> 1 rad = 1e8/1.6022/(material density) GeV/cm3
> But I got so big numbers if I calculate it for gas (argon). It is right?
> And how I can compare these numbers with dose in rad?
> Best regards
> Anna Kiseleva
> E-mail:
> Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung mbH
> Planckstrasse 1,
> D-64291 Darmstadt
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