Dear Antonello
In your USRBIN detector the upper limit of the z range is smaller than the
lower limit. In such a case FLUKA swaps the limits and prints a warning in
the output
Usr/eventbin n. 1 has max 50.00 smaller than min 70.00
for axis: Z -> max and min swapped
Does this answer your question? If not please post some details on your
geometry (e.g. a plot). Its difficult zu address such questions w/o any
knowledge of the problem.
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010, Antonello Carloni wrote:
> Dear All,
> apart from wishing you a merry christmas, I have got a simple question.
> When running my fluka file, which contains a detector made of several
> replicas, in the .out file I see no energy deposition of the proton beam
> that I am using in those replicas, but only in the basic detector areas.
> Considering that my usrbin card is a region of water placed after the
> detector, i would like to know if this is only a matter of design of the
> .out file or shall I made corrections to the .inp file so as to make it
> interact with the replicas!?
> Attached herewith you'll find my .inp file plus the . out file.
> Thank you in advance,
> Antonello Carloni
> Dipartimento Tecnologie Nucleari Per la Salute
> Infn-ISS
Received on Sun Jan 16 2011 - 13:12:10 CET
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