Sorry, I said region while I actually meant material. What I wanted to say
is, one can't see for which materials MCS was turned on or off, just by
looking at the output (at least I couldn't figure out how).
Below is one of my output files to show what I mean. The message ****
Multiple scattering not performed for this medium **** appears right at
the bottom among the EMF array allocation messages. One would think it
refers to the last mentioned material... But it doesn't, since in this
case, MCS was switched off for material WATER and not for material
Anyway, thanks for the clarification, I am sure the output of MULSOPT will
be cleared up along with the manual when you guys find the time :)
*** Blank common cells from 2318935 to 2319232 allocated for an EMF
R*4 tab. array
*** Blank common cells from 2323951 to 2324247 allocated for an EMF
R*4 tab. array
Electron Xsecs for EMF medium # 1(WATER ) tabulated in 524 interv
Min kin. energy 1.000E-06 (GeV)Max kin. energy 4.37 (GeV)
*** Blank common cells from 2332835 to 2333884 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
*** Blank common cells from 2355149 to 2356592 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
Electron Xsecs for EMF medium # 2(HUMIDAIR) tabulated in 368
Min kin. energy 1.000E-04 (GeV)Max kin. energy 4.37 (GeV)
*** Blank common cells from 2362617 to 2363354 allocated for an EMF
tab. Array
*** Blank common cells from 2379411 to 2380610 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
***** EMF tabulations in blank common start at location 2324248 *****
***** end at location 2380610 (I*4 addresses) *****
*** Blank common cells from 2380611 to 2381660 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
*** Blank common cells from 2381661 to 2382710 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
**** Multiple scattering not performed for this medium ****
*** Blank common cells from 2382711 to 2383448 allocated for an EMF
tab. array
*** Blank common cells from 2383449 to 2384186 allocated for an EMF
tab. Array
-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto Fasso' []=20
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 17:12
Cc: Sanchez Parcerisa, Daniel; Anna Ferrari
Subject: RE: Disabling MCS
Dear Daniel,
indeed the MULSOPT option is badly documented in the manual, and we are
planning to clean it up.
But for what concerns output, I remind you that some commands are issued
"per region" and others "per material". MULSOPT is issued per material,
and the message in question says clearly "...not performed for this medium".
To identify the region where MCS is actually active, one has simply
to look at the table of materials vs. regions
(Title: Regions: materials and fields), equally available in output.
On Mon, 17 Jan 2011, Sanchez Parcerisa, Daniel wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. The message *** Multiple scattering not performed for
> this medium *** actually appears once per time the MULSOPT card is read.
> However, it fails to identify the region where it is actually active (not
> even the position in the output file gives clear information about that).
> next versions I'd suggest a clearer output of this option to allow proper
> debugging.
> As I said, thanks anyway.
> Daniel
Received on Thu Jan 20 2011 - 00:24:20 CET
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