Dear Beatrice,
are you sure that you are using the input file you attached to the previous mail?
I tried to rerun it (using FLUKA2008.3d.1) but it stops at initialisation
due to a lack of memory positions. Which is - I guess - due to the big number
of binnings you are using.
Can you please send the right file?
Cheers, Florian
-- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Florian Sommerer Physiker Radiologische Klinik / Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum Im Neuenheimer Feld 450 69120 Heidelberg Germany=20 -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht----- Von: []= Im Auftrag von beatrice pomaro Gesendet: Montag, 24. Januar 2011 18:26 An: Betreff: Energy deposition Dear Fluka users, can you please have a look to the input file in attachment the problem is represented by a target made of UC2 which is directly impinged by a proton beam (300microA, 70MeV), within a concrete target bunker. I used IRRPROFI to model a beam working 5000hours/year than stopping, for totally 9years. I am interested in the results in terms of energy deposition [Gev/(cm3 primary)] on the slice of shielding just in front of the target source. However in the USRBIN files I have negative values of energy deposition and 'INF' strings. Can you address me where the problem is, please? If I do not assign an IRRPROFI card for the beam irradiation profile does, in this case, the energy deposition correspond to time? Many thanks for your help, Sincerely, Beatrice PomaroReceived on Wed Jan 26 2011 - 18:39:09 CET
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