Dear Georgios,
to separate electron and photon contributions yohave to set up
some user code. No automatic distinction is possible at scoring time,
since all energy deposition will be done by electrons, even when the
primary is a photon.
You can proceed in several ways. For example:
- through the usrmed.f routine, selectively kill electrons or photons at
the boundary between copper and gas
- trhough the stack user variables, set one or several flags recording
the history of the particle . This can be done with the stupre.f routine
at interactions, and/or with the bxdraw entry of mgdraw.f at boundaries.
A user-written comscw.f can then select wether to score or not
For hints on user routines, you can have a look in the manual, and also
in the lectures of the advances fluka course ( on the program page)
As for neutrons: the threshold at 20 MeV is not a a
boundary between two different transport methods. Above this, neutrons
are treated like all other hadrons. Below 20 MeV, their transport and
interactions are simulated on the basis of cross section libraries, with
the so called muti-group transport. In both cases you will get the enrgy
deposition from recoils, however below 20 MeV the recoils and reaction
products other than neutrons and photons will not be transported, theyr
energy will be deposited at the interaction point. ( except for
interactions on Hidrogen) Again, for a description of the low energy
nmeutron transport in fluka, please refer to the dedicated section in
the user manual
Hope this helps
On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 09:41 +0000, Georgios Tsiledakis wrote:
> Dear fluka experts,
> I had a copper sphere that surrounds a gaseous volume of Ar-CH4 at 50
> mb.
> With a modified source.f routine (thanks to your very fruitful
> explanations at the list)
> I generate photons of 1.3 MeV randomly in the copper shell and score
> at the gas using
> the EVENTBIN card and a manipulation in fortran/root.
> The energy deposition (EM) is given at the attached picture where you
> could see the Copper
> peak around 8 keV (200 entries above a background in 2 peaks)
> My questions are the following:
> 1)Is the background of around 60 counts at 8 keV purely electrons?
> 2)how I could repeat the study BUT measure the Edep only from photons
> or only from electrons?
> Since fluka gives 208 and 211 options. Is any easy way to discard
> for example conversions of Copper
> and so, all I could see at the plot to be purely electrons or the
> opposite?
> 3)There is a threshold of 20 MeV for neutrons. Can I use a neutron
> source of 2 MeV and see the recoils?
> How FLUKA treats neutron-nucleus collisions? Is it efficient for
> (Î, n) reactions? 1-2 MeV neutron
> can be used?
> Thank you very much in advance
> Best regards
> Georgios
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