Dear fluka experts,
I had a copper sphere that surrounds a gaseous volume of Ar-CH4 at 50 mb.
With a modified source.f routine (thanks to your very fruitful explanations at the list)
I generate photons of 1.3 MeV randomly in the copper shell and score at the gas using
the EVENTBIN card and a manipulation in fortran/root.
The energy deposition (EM) is given at the attached picture where you could see the Copper
peak around 8 keV (200 entries above a background in 2 peaks)
My questions are the following:
1)Is the background of around 60 counts at 8 keV purely electrons?
2)how I could repeat the study BUT measure the Edep only from photons or only from electrons?
Since fluka gives 208 and 211 options. Is any easy way to discard for example conversions of Copper
and so, all I could see at the plot to be purely electrons or the opposite?
3)There is a threshold of 20 MeV for neutrons. Can I use a neutron source of 2 MeV and see the recoils?
How FLUKA treats neutron-nucleus collisions? Is it efficient for (C1,n) reactions? 1-2 MeV neutron
can be used?
Thank you very much in advance
Best regards
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