Dear Alfredo,
It would be very kind of FLUKA team to offer the option to download the
gfortran 4.5.x compatible x86_64 libraries. As it was correctly
mentioned, there is no other solution for users in a case if executable
should be compiled with user routines (which in their turn rely on 3rd
party libraries, etc.)
Best regards,
On 11/16/2011 06:23 PM, Alfredo Ferrari wrote:
> Hi all
> the issue with the gfortran version (and the gfortran version only), is
> that it has been built on gfortran 4.6.1 (we upgraded recently our
> machines) and the gfortran developers apparently didn't find any
> better joke than changing in between gfortran 4.5.x and gfortran 4.6.x
> the names of some internal compiler procedures, in particular those that
> in the past were called
> _gfortran_transfer_xxx
> are now called
> _gfortran_transfer_xxx_write
> so obviously fluka compiled on 4.6.x it does not link on 4.5.x or 4.4.x
> (and possibly viceversa, to be checked)
> Without commenting on the sadistic attitude of the gfortran developers,
> if what I described above holds true to a deeper investigation, there is
> no simple solution. One possibility is for the user to upgrade their
> gfortran compiler to 4.6.x (very uncomfortable to say the least), or for
> us to build a version on some remaining machines still with gfortran 4.5.1
> and provide two versions if required (maybe the one compiled on 4.5.x
> links on 4.6.x). It is clear that this kind of incompatible changes
> between compiler sub-versions if confirmed are a major pain...
> Meawhile for those experiencing these problems the g77 version works as
> usual.
> I would like also to warn all users running with gfortran 4.4.x
> (eg those on Scientific Linux) that we have evidence that gfortran 4.4.x
> can miscompile Fluka routines. It is not an issue if you only link the
> standard executable from a library compiled with 4.5.x or higher, it can
> be a major problem if you have user routines, which obviously you compile
> locally with gfortran 4.4.x. We had one group which clearly demonstrated
> this problem recently with their source routine.
> Again, we are powerless versus compiler incompatibilities/bugs, we can
> only suggest to upgrade the compiler in this case.
> Ciao
> Alfredo
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
> | CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
> | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
> | Switzerland || |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Joseph Comfort wrote:
>> Hi Alfredo,
>> I also had trouble installing Fluka2011.2.7. From an earlier habit, even the
>> command
>> flutil/lfluka -m fluka
>> (nearly the same as 'make flukahp') does not work. The error messages are
>> essentially the same as previously reported. Note that ...2.6 was fine. I
>> had expected a quick message about a correction. The file I downloaded in
>> not useable, and has been deleted.
>> Joe
Received on Thu Nov 17 2011 - 14:35:38 CET
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