Hello Mina,
Quoting Fluka's manual, STOP card : "Inserted at any point in a FLUKA
input sequence before the START command, a card STOP interrupts input
reading and de-activates all the following cards.[...]"
This explains why the quantities you wanted to score in SCORE card are
I also experienced sometimes those multiple STOP cards reported in an
input file created with flair, but as an pre-flair fluka user I usually
inspect my input file before running it.
> Hello everyone,
> I have just come across an anomaly in fluka/flair.
> While conducting a study to optimize the W-converter/U-target dimensions
> for proton beam, neutron induced fissions, I
> included in my input file a certain set of estimators for each setup. One
> of these was the SCORE card with the following
> whats:
> After running a set of runs for each setup, I found (to my surprise) in
> the output file:
> (hope the output doesn't get clobbered).
> Region # name volume ALL-PART Star Density BEAMPART Star Density
> ENERGY Density EM-ENRGY Density
> cm**3 Stars/cm**3 Stars/cm**3
> GeV/cm**3 GeV/cm**3
> /one beam particle /one beam particle
> /one beam particle /one beam particle
> 1 rBlkHole 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
> 3.153394351E-01 2.969239455E-04
> 2 rVacBox 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
> 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
> 3 rUtgt 1.000000000E+00 3.100000000E-03 0.000000000E+00
> 2.390435539E-03 3.326111379E-04
> 4 rWconv 1.000000000E+00 4.659000000E-01 4.138000000E-01
> 1.552016146E-01 4.767196586E-03
> Total (integrated over volume): 4.690000000E-01 4.138000000E-01
> 4.729314853E-01 5.396731669E-03
> So, as you can see, the quantities I had included in the SCORE card were
> not in fact scored.
> When I looked at the input files, I discovered the insertion of 3 STOP
> cards above the SCORE card.
> I have no idea how these STOP cards were inserted in the input file. I
> did not put them in intentionally. So
> let's say by some accident! Here is what I saw in my input files:
> ...
> RESNUCLE 2. -52. 94. 63. rUtgt
> 1.RN_U_LE
> In this case, instead of a warning or an error, the runs for my multiple
> setups completed but the quantities scored in
> the SCORE card were changed (to a default set?). Why does this happen?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mina
Received on Sat Jun 09 2012 - 20:36:20 CEST
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