Hi Sunil,
can you run flair -X (which will run flair w/o opening an x-term) and
tell me the given error message?
On 09/07/2012 12:58, Sunil C wrote:
> Dear Vasilis
> I am trying to run flair on a server with the display forwarded to my local
> client machine.
> While running flair from the terminal of the client, a screen appears for
> a moment before vanishing. The terminal goes back to the prompt.
> The client is running putty usinfg ssh, under CERN scientific linux and
> connects to the server through a proxy.
> The putty is configured with X11 forwarding and the option"local ports
> accept connections from other hosts" in
> The xclock runs well on the client.
> What do you think could be the reason?
> Thanks a lot for your time and effort.
> Best Regards
> Sunil
-- Dr. Vittorio Boccone - University of Geneva o Address: UniGe: Département de physique nucléaire et corpusculaire 24 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland CERN: CERN, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland o E-mail: vittorio.boccone_at_unige.ch vittorio.boccone_at_cern.ch o Phone: Mobile: +41 76 487 5737 UniGe: +41 22 379 6357/6353 CERN: +41 22 767 5821Received on Tue Jul 10 2012 - 10:47:30 CEST
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