Dear Thomas,
As discussed earlier this week, I suggest that you use the user routine
FLUSCW for that purpose. If requested it is called at each fluence scoring
and allows you to set to zero the weight of particles that you do not want
to include in your scoring.
The common block FLKSTK contains the variable NPARMA which is equal to the
primary number that is being processed at any moment and NUMPAR(NPFLKA)
that carries the same information for each particle on the stack. Within
FLUSCW you could check if the primary particle counter has increased as
compared to the previous call (new "event"). If yes, the particle is
scored with weigth 1, if not it is not included into the scoring by
setting the weight equal to zero.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Otto
> Sent: 04 December 2012 14:10
> To:
> Subject: Gas detector scoring
> Dear Fluka-users
> I would like to score the number of "counts" per primary particle in a gas detector. The gas detector has a dead time long enough that only the first secondary created by the primary particle will be registered. I tried a boundary-crossing current estimator between the shell and the gas, but this will give an overestimation, because all secondaries crossing the boundary will also be counted.
> Is there a way to calculate the amount of the correction, which will probably become larger and larger with increasing energy and more secondaries available. Or cab I somehow calculate the correct number straightforward ?
> Thank you for your help,
> Thomas
> ------------------------------------------------
> Thomas Otto
> Safety Officer, Technology Department
Received on Tue Dec 11 2012 - 09:26:07 CET
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