Dear Anna,
I have seen this problem in the 64bit Ubuntu version. For some strange reason during the FLUKA make process instead of linking the main of the "usbsuw.f" routine it links the main program of "fluka" as a result the "usbsuw" utility in fact is a normal fluka executable.
Try in command line the command $FLUPRO/flutil/usbsuw
if it shows the FLUKA license then it has linked wrongly the FLUKA executable
Please verify if you really have the 4.5.1 gcc version (most probably not), otherwise you will have to download the other 64bit fluka package fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bitAA.tar.gz
Vasilis Vlachoudis
CH-1211 GENEVA 23
Phone: +41-22 767 9851
GSM: +41-76 487 4378
Fax: +41-22 766 9644
From: [] on behalf of Senger, Anna Dr. []
Sent: 10 January 2013 12:08
Subject: AW: FLAIR usrbin error
Dear FLAIR-FLUKA experts,
if I use FLUKA version fluka2011.2-linuxAA (g77) I don't get this error.
Best regards
Von: []" im Auftrag von "Senger, Anna Dr. []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013 14:37
Betreff: FLAIR usrbin error
Dear FLAIR experts,
today I installed new FLUKA version (fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA) and new FLAIR. There were no problems with compilations. I tried flair/examples/beampos.flair. If I make plot for beampos001_source, I get the plot without any problems but for beampos001_fort.22 I get "Error processing USRBIN file" and in fort.11:
*** Unknown control code: - , ignored ***
***** Next control card ***** - 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
**** Unknown Input card !!!!!!!!! ****
Can you please help me to find the errors?
Best regards
Received on Thu Jan 10 2013 - 16:23:37 CET
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