Re: How to simulate URANIUM 235?

From: sarchia <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:24:26 +0100

Il 10/01/2013 13:47, vahan petrosyan ha scritto:
> Hi everyone! :)
> I have may be simple but for me important questions.
> How one can simulate URANIUM 235 decay?
> If I have 1gramm Uranium 235 what Dose it will produce. Is it possible
> to do by fluka?
> Or I should take fission fragments as primaries and do for each them
> separate simulation?
> Is it possible to define two separate beams in fluka in the same input?
> Thanks!


URANIUM 235 is an alpha emitter and FLUKA can simulate its decay using
the BEAM card with ISOTOPE as SDUM; with HI-PROPE card you specify Z and
A of the element. Then you have to activate the decay mechanism through
the RADDECAY card (semi-analogue mode), and add a DCYSCORE card to
associate the decay and the scoring. Results will be given normalized
per one disintegration.

U-235 does not go spontaneous fission, so in case you want to simulate
the fission process, in my opinion, you should define a neutron beam
impinging on a Uranium target.

In general, you can use separate beams in one simulation using an
external source routine edited according to your needs.
I hope I have answered your questions.

Received on Thu Jan 10 2013 - 16:22:08 CET

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