be careful:
i. for alpha emitters, as already pointed out
the present FLUKA version does NOT generate at all decay alphas, but lets
the isotope decay and transport only electromagnetic particles emitted
along the decay chain.
ii. no low energy (<20MeV) induced fission is explicitly simulated, since
the multigroup treatment applies. This means that fission fragments are
just separately sampled for residual nuclei scoring purposes, but they are
not at all transported and the interaction of a given energy group neutron
with a given material isotope yields, in terms of energy deposition, a
fixed kerma value averaged over all the open reaction channels
Happy New Year
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, sarchia wrote:
> Il 10/01/2013 13:47, vahan petrosyan ha scritto:
>> Hi everyone! :)
>> I have may be simple but for me important questions.
>> How one can simulate URANIUM 235 decay?
>> If I have 1gramm Uranium 235 what Dose it will produce. Is it possible
>> to do by fluka?
>> Or I should take fission fragments as primaries and do for each them
>> separate simulation?
>> Is it possible to define two separate beams in fluka in the same input?
>> Thanks!
> Hi,
> URANIUM 235 is an alpha emitter and FLUKA can simulate its decay using
> the BEAM card with ISOTOPE as SDUM; with HI-PROPE card you specify Z and
> A of the element. Then you have to activate the decay mechanism through
> the RADDECAY card (semi-analogue mode), and add a DCYSCORE card to
> associate the decay and the scoring. Results will be given normalized
> per one disintegration.
> U-235 does not go spontaneous fission, so in case you want to simulate
> the fission process, in my opinion, you should define a neutron beam
> impinging on a Uranium target.
> In general, you can use separate beams in one simulation using an
> external source routine edited according to your needs.
> I hope I have answered your questions.
> Cheers,
> Lucia
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