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FLUKA: 9.4} Error messages Previous Index Next

9.4} Error messages


 Most error messages are written on output unit LUNERR (usually 15),
 interspersed with lines giving the number of random number generator calls
 identical to those printed on standard output. (This file has generally
 extension .err). Each error message begins with the name of the routine in
 which it is originated. Some messages, however (especially if fatal) are
 printed on standard output.

 Many error messages (often somewhat cryptic) are printed only for debugging or
 information purposes and should be of concern to the user unless there is a
 large number of them: for instance when one of the hadronic event generators
 fails to conserve some quantity within the strict limits imposed.
    Eventq: charge/baryon conservation failure with Nucrin 5 4 11 10
    Eventv: ekin+am < pla,ij,igreyt  4.93747684  4.94905223 14 1
 The following type of message is also not important, and is especially frequent
 in runs with photonuclear reactions activated:
    *** Umfnst: eexany,eexdel,eexmin,amepar,enenew,np,ikpmx,eexnew,eexmax  0.
        0.002  0.004319  1.11498839  1.09082268 2 0  0.  0.0171591096
 Another type of informative message, indicating that a step counter has been
 reset because it was approaching the upper limit for an integer, is the
    *** Emfgeo: Ncoun 2000000000

 Generally, messages issued by the geometry routines are more important.
 However, fatal ones are written to standard output, for instance:
 In such cases, it is recommended to run the geometry debugger (see command GEOEND)
 to find and correct the error.

 The following one indicates a real problem if repeated more than a few times:

  GEOFAR, TXYZ:  1. -0.0721463599 -0.409276348 -0.909553612
     Nfrom, Nreg, X, Y, Z 1001 3 -0.108787724 -1.26878781  8.78769155

 Geofar: Particle in region   3 (cell #    0) in position  1.000000000E+00
 0.000000000E+00  1.000000000E+00
  is now causing trouble, requesting a step of  6.258867675E-07 cm
  to direction -2.285059979E-01 -9.412338141E-01  2.487245789E-01, error count: 0
  Particle index    3 total energy   5.189748600E-04 GeV  Nsurf    0
 We succeeded in saving the particle:  current region is n.     2 (cell #    0)

 As it can be seen, the program has some difficulty to track a particle in
 a certain direction, and it tries to fix the problem by "nudging" the particle
 by a small amount, in case the problem is due to a rounding error near a
 boundary. If the message appears often, it is recommended to run the geometry
 debugger centering around the position reported in order to find if there is
 an error in the geometry description.

 Other geometry errors concern particles with direction cosines not properly
 normalised. This happens often with user routines where the user has forgotten
 to check that the sum of the squares be = 1.0D0 IN DOUBLE PRECISION.
 For instance, the following message is generally caused by an inaccurate MAGFLD
 user routine:
    MAGNEW, TXYZ: ...[sum of the squares]... U,V,V: ...[3 cosines]...
 A similar message may be issued by the tracking routine GEOFAR:
    GEOFAR, TXYZ: ...[sum of the squares]... U,V,V: ...[3 cosines]...
    Nfrom, Nreg, X, Y, Z' ...[calling code, region number, particle position]...

 Another geometry error message is the following:

                        GEOMETRY SEARCH ARRAY FULL

 This message indicates that insufficient memory has been allocated for the
 "contiguity list" (list of zones contiguous to each zone). This is not an actual
 error, but it is suggested that the user could optimise computer time
 by increasing the values of the NAZ variable in the geometry region


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