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    Sets the amount of storage and storage precision for binnings
    (single or double). Sets also the correspondence between
    rotations/translations and binnings (USRBIN or EVENTBIN), as well as
    density-correction factors for user binnings (see CORRFACT).

= 0 --> ignored < -1 --> reset the density to be used to default (that is density correction factors for all user binnings apart 252 (DOSE-H2O), 253 (ALPHA-D), and 254 (SQBETA-D), where dE/dx correction factors are the default) = 2 --> use dE/dx correction factors = 1 --> use density correction factors for all other processes
= not used
= not used For all other
(see below for meaning):
= 0 --> ignored =<-1 --> reset the storage precision to default (double) all bins printed, always = xxz01 --> set the storage precision to single = xxz0y --> set the storage to only a fraction of the requi- red memory, that is only xx.z percent of the required memory for this binning is actually allocated = uxxz0y --> u > 0 makes the binning info printed only if non zero bins exist
= 0 --> ignored |
|>100000 --> reset the associated rotation/translation to identity (# 0) != 0 --> set the associated rotation/translation to # nint(
= 0 --> ignored =<-1 --> reset the number of events after which EVENTBIN results must be printed to the default (=1) >= 1 --> number of events after which EVENTBIN results must be printed for the binnings given by WHAT(4-6)
= possible index or name of a 2nd transformation associa- ted with these binnings. Exceptionally, here
can contain an integer number, in free format, following any of the strings "ROT#", "Rot#", "rot#", "RO#", "Ro#", "ro#. If any one of such strings is present, an integer identifying the associated roto-translation is read in the following characters. Otherwise if a name is present, it is supposed to be the (character) name (with sign) of the associated roto-translation. The roto-translation order is such that the one associated with
is the innermost (first applied) one For all
= from binning "
" .... (default 1).
= .... to binning "
" .... (default
= .... in step of "
" (default 1).
1) Command ROTPRBIN can be used for two different tasks, both related to binnings requested by the user by means of EVENTBIN or USRBIN: a) to define the precision used at run-time to store the accumulated scores of selected binnings b) to set the correspondence between the index of a transformation (rotation/translation as defined by command ROT-DEFIni) and the index of selected binnings. 2) The USRBIN/EVENTBIN output values are always in single precision, regardless of the run-time storage precision used. Run-time storage precision, which is double by default, should never be changed for binnings defined by USRBIN to prevent severe loss of data (adding small amounts in the rounding can result in values no longer increasing with the number of primary particles). However, this is unlikely to happen with EVENTBIN binnings, which are reset at the end of each history. 3) In many cases, binnings defined by EVENTBIN result in a number of sparse "hit" cells, while all other bins are empty (scoring zero). In such cases, it is convenient to allocate less storage than required by the whole binning structure. In these circumstances, it may also be convenient to print to file only the content of non-empty cells (see Note 2 to option EVENTBIN). 4) Binning space transformations (rotations and translations) are those defined by a ROT-DEFIni card. That is, the variables used for scoring are the primed one (x',y',z') (see the Notes 3 and 4 to option ROT-DEFIni).
Example 1:
ROTPRBIN 85500. 0.0 0.0 2.0 6.0 2.0
* Allocate only 85.5% of the required memory to binnings 2, 4 and 6
Example 2:
ROTPRBIN 10001. 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.0 0.0
* Set single storage precision for binnings 3, 4 and 5
Example 3:
ROTPRBIN myMatrix energyA HEhadrA
ROT-DEFIni 44. 0. 0. 0. 0. -16000.myMatrix ROT-DEFIni 244. 0. 10. 0. 0. 0.myMatrix ROT-DEFIni 44. 0. 0. 0. 10000. 10000.myMatrix
USRBIN 11. ENERGY -21. 1. 5. 50. energyA USRBIN -1. -1. -5. 10. 10. 50. & USRBIN 11. DOSE -21. 1. 5. 50. doseA USRBIN -1. -1. -5. 10. 10. 50. & USRBIN 11. HADGT20M -21. 1. 5. 50. HEhadrA USRBIN -1. -1. -5. 10. 10. 50. &
* Associate the "myMatrix" ROT-DEFIni to the "energyA", "doseA" and "HEhadrA"
* Start_Devel_seq

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