flair for FLUKA
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flair  FLUKA Advanced Interface
/fleə(r)/  n [U,C] natural or instinctive ability (to do something well,
to select or recognize what is best, more useful, etc.
[Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English]
author: Vasilis Vlachoudis
contributors: David Sinuela,
Leftheris Skordis
past contributors: Adonai Herrera-Martinez,
Lucia Sarchiapone,
Marco Mauri,
Roberto Versaci
Sylvestre Catin,
Toni Empl,
Thanassis Manousos,
Vittorio Boccone
email: fluka-discuss@fluka.org

About flair

flair is an advanced user friendly interface for FLUKA to facilitate the editing of FLUKA input files, execution of the code and visualization of the output files. It is based entirely on python and Tkinter.


  1. input editor front-end interface for an easy and almost error free editing as well as validation of the input file during editing;
  2. interactive geometry editor, allowing to edit bodies and regions in a visual/graphical way with immediate debugging information;
  3. advanced layer mechanism for graphically displaying any information from the input file on top of the geometry:
  4. debugging, compiling, running and monitoring of the status during a run;
  5. back-end interface for post-processing of the output files and plot generation through an interface with gnuplot and 3D photo-realistic images;
  6. materials library and geometrical objects, for easier editing, storing and sharing among other users and projects;
  7. python API for manipulating the input files, post processing of the results and interfacing to gnuplot;
  8. import/export to various formats:
The philosophy of flair interface was to work on an intermediate level. Not too high, that hides the inner functionality of FLUKA from the user, and not so low that the user is in constant need of the FLUKA manual to verify the options for each card. Flair works directly with the input file of FLUKA and is able to read/write all acceptable FLUKA input formats. In the input editor the user is working directly with the FLUKA cards using a small dialog for each card. The program displays the card information in an interpreted human readable way. The only exception is that the cards in flair are so called extended cards where each card is not composed only by 6 WHATs and 1 SDUM but rather they contains all related information in one unit (comments preceding the card, continuation cards, titles etc).
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For comments and changes send e-mail to fluka-discuss@fluka.org
Last modified 28/05/22