Quick launch:
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Fluka Release
To install FLUKA about 500 Mbyte of disk space are needed. In addition, a FORTRAN compiler suitable for your platform is required to generate the FLUKA executable(s). Different packages can be downloaded from the FLUKA Website www.fluka.org:
The Linux x86 version must be compiled at 32 bits with g77 but can run on both 32 and 64 bit machines while the Linux x86_64 version must be compiled with gfortran and works only on 64 bits machine. The latter is still tentative, we cannot exclude some issues with that version. The code has been checked and validated for these platforms/compilers only for the time being.
Installation of the tar.gz packages
In order to be able to perform nucleus-nucleus interactions, a special executable linking the event generator libraries already included in the distributed package, is needed. To create it, the script ldpmqmd in $FLUPRO/flutil has to be launched: $FLUPRO/flutil/ldpmqmd The default name of the executable coming out is flukadpm3. You can set a different name through the option - o. This is useful when linking in addition one's own user routines. A list of options supported by the script lfluka (internally used by ldpmqmd) is shown issuing the command $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -h Note that the twin script ldpm2qmd allows to link a previous version of the DPMJET event generator (DPMJET-2.53 instead of DPMJET-3).
In order to run FLUKA, one has to prepare an input file (e.g. myproblem.inp) looking like the examples available in the $FLUPRO directory. It is recommended to work/run in a directory different from the installation one, i.e. outside $FLUPRO. Detailed instructions for building a FLUKA input can be found in the Beginner guide of the Manual. The run is started launching the script rfluka $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka myproblem [without ".inp"] The standard executable $FLUPRO/flukahp will be used. A different executable to be used can be specified through the option - e. A list of options supported by the script rfluka is shown issuing the command $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -h A lecture focused on installing and running FLUKA is provided as a part of the user course material (Installation, Release Notes). With the FLUKA package, you received a current version of the FLUKA manual. The manual is the major source of information/help for preparing and running FLUKA. It is available also online. Take a look also at the RELEASE-NOTES. Always a good way to get started with a new software tool is to study well documented examples. We are trying to provide a series of such examples for various
physics conditions.
Last updated: 23rd of September, 2021 |
© FLUKA Team 2000–2025