Last version:
, January 27th 2025 (last respin 2024.1.3) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
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sets FLUKA defaults suitable for a specified kind of problems. Starting
from FLUKA99.5 (June 2000) the standard defaults are those described under
NEW-DEFAults below. That is, if no DEFAULTS card is issued the code
behaves as if a card with NEW-DEFAUlts was given.
See also GLOBAL
Important: DEFAULTS declarations, if present, must precede any executable
WHAT(1),....,WHAT(6): not used
SDUM = CALORIME : defaults for calorimeter simulations
EET/TRAN : defaults for Energy Transformer or transmutation
EM-CASCA : defaults for pure EM cascades
ICARUS : defaults for studies related to the ICARUS experiment
HADROTHE : defaults for hadrotherapy calculations
NEUTRONS : defaults for pure low-energy neutron runs
[NEW-DEFA : reasonable minimal set of new defaults - not needed]
PRECISIO : defaults for precision simulations
SHIELDIN : defaults for hadron shielding calculations without gammas
Default: it is not allowed to leave SDUM blank. If the DEFAULTS card is
missing, the standard defaults are unchanged (equivalent to setting
Defaults changed by the various options:
EMF on (no need for an EMF card)
Rayleigh scattering and inelastic form factor corrections to Compton
scattering and Compton profiles activated (no EMFRAY needed)
Detailed photoelectric edge treatment and fluorescence photons
activated (no EMFFLUO needed)
Low-energy neutron transport on (no LOW-NEUT needed) down to
thermal energies included. High energy neutron threshold at 20 MeV.
Fully analogue absorption for low energy neutrons
Particle transport threshold set at 1 x m_part / m_prot MeV, except
for neutrons (thermal), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are
discarded by default anyway)
Multiple scattering threshold at minimum allowed energy, for both
primary and secondary charged particles
Delta ray production on with threshold 100 keV (see option DELTARAY)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (see option IONFLUCT)
Fraction of the kinetic energy to be lost in a step set at 0.08,
number of dp/dx tabulation points set at 80 (see options DELTARAY,
Heavy particle e+/e- pair production activated with full explicit
production (with the minimum threshold = 2 m_electron)
Heavy particle bremsstrahlung activated with explicit photon
production above 300 keV
Muon photonuclear interactions activated with explicit generation of
Heavy fragment transport activated
Low energy neutron transport on down to thermal energies included
(high energy neutron threshold at 20 MeV)
Non-analogue absorption for low energy neutrons with probability 0.95
for the last (thermal) groups
Particle transport threshold set at 1 MeV, except neutrons
(1E-05 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by default
Multiple scattering threshold for primary and secondary charged
particles lowered to 10 and 20 MeV respectively
Unrestricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (if requested) (see option IONFLUCT)
Both explicit and continuous heavy particle bremsstrahlung and pair
production inhibited
Electromagnetic interactions on (no need for explicit option EMF)
Rayleigh scattering and inelastic form factor corrections to Compton
scattering and Compton profiles activated (no EMFRAY needed)
Detailed photoelectric edge treatment and fluorescence photons
activated (no EMFFLUO needed)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations for EM particles (see option
Both explicit and continuous heavy particle bremsstrahlung and pair
production inhibited
Inelastic form factor corrections to Compton scattering and Compton
profiles activated
Low-energy neutron transport on down to themral energies included,
no need for option LOW-NEUT (high energy neutron threshold at
20 MeV)
Fully analogue absorption for low-energy neutrons
Particle transport threshold set at 100 keV, except for neutrons
(1E-5 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by
default anyway)
Multiple scattering threshold at minimum allowed energy, for both
primary and secondary charged particles
Delta ray production on with threshold 100 keV (see option DELTARAY)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (see option IONFLUCT)
Tabulation ratio for hadron/muon dp/dx set at 1.03, fraction of the
kinetic energy to be lost in a step set at 0.02 (see options
Rayleigh scattering and inelastic form factor corrections to Compton
scattering and Compton profiles activated (no EMFRAY needed)
Detailed photoelectric edge treatment and fluorescence photons
activated (no EMFFLUO needed)
Low energy neutron transport on down to thermal energies included,
(high energy neutron threshold at 20 MeV)
Fully analogue absorption for low energy neutrons
Particle transport threshold set at 100 keV, except neutrons
(1E-5 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by default
Multiple scattering threshold at minimum allowed energy, for both
primary and secondary charged particles
Delta ray production on with threshold 100 keV (see option DELTARAY)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (see option IONFLUCT)
Tabulation ratio for hadron/muon dp/dx set at 1.04, fraction of the
kinetic energy to be lost in a step set at 0.05, number of dp/dx
tabulation points set at 80 (see options DELTARAY, EMFFIX, FLUKAFIX)
Heavy particle e+/e- pair production activated with full explicit
production (with the minimum threshold = 2m_e)
Heavy particle bremsstrahlung activated with explicit photon
production above 300 keV
Muon photonuclear interactions activated with explicit generation of
Heavy fragment transport activated
Low energy neutron transport on down to thermal energies included,
no need for LOW-NEUT (high energy neutron threshold at 20 MeV)
Non-analogue absorption for low-energy neutrons with probability 0.95
for the last (thermal) groups
Both explicit and continuous heavy particle bremsstrahlung and pair
production inhibited
NEW-DEFAults (standard defaults active even if the DEFAULT card is not
EMF on, with electron and photon transport thresholds to be set using
the EMFCUT command
Inelastic form factor corrections to Compton scattering activated (no
need for EMFRAY)
Low energy neutron transport on down to thermal energies included,
(no need for LOW-NEUT). The neutron high energy threshold is set
at 20 MeV.
Non analogue absorption for low energy neutrons with probability 0.95
for the last (thermal) groups
Particle transport threshold set at 10 MeV, except for neutrons
(1E-5 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by default
Multiple scattering threshold for secondary charged particles lowered
to 20 MeV (equal to that of the primary ones)
Delta ray production on with threshold 1 MeV (see option DELTARAY)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (see option IONFLUCT)
Heavy particle e+/e- pair production activated with full explicit
production (with the minimum threshold = 2m_e)
Heavy particle bremsstrahlung activated with explicit photon
production above 1 MeV
Muon photonuclear interactions activated with explicit generation of
Rayleigh scattering and inelastic form factor corrections to Compton
scattering and Compton profiles activated
Detailed photoelectric edge treatment and fluorescence photons
Low energy neutron transport on down to thermal energies included,
(high energy neutron threshold at 20 MeV)
Fully analogue absorption for low-energy neutrons
Particle transport threshold set at 100 keV, except neutrons
(1E-5 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by default
Multiple scattering threshold at minimum allowed energy, for both
primary and secondary charged particles
Delta ray production on with threshold 100 keV (see option DELTARAY)
Restricted ionisation fluctuations on, for both hadrons/muons and EM
particles (see option IONFLUCT)
Tabulation ratio for hadron/muon dp/dx set at 1.04, fraction of the
kinetic energy to be lost in a step set at 0.05, number of dp/dx
tabulation points set at 80 (see options DELTARAY, EMFFIX, FLUKAFIX)
Heavy particle e+/e- pair production activated with full explicit
production (with the minimum threshold = 2m_e)
Heavy particle bremsstrahlung activated with explicit photon
production above 300 keV
Muon photonuclear interactions activated with explicit generation of
Heavy fragment transport activated
Low energy neutron transport on down the thermal energies included,
(the neutron high energy threshold is set at 20 MeV)
Non-analogue absorption for low energy neutrons with probability 0.95
for the last (thermal) groups
Particle transport threshold set at 10 MeV, except neutrons
(1E-5 eV), and (anti)neutrinos (0, but they are discarded by default
Multiple scattering threshold for secondary charged particles lowered
to 20 MeV (= primary ones)
Both explicit and continuous heavy particle bremsstrahlung and pair
production inhibited
EMF off!!! This default is meant for simple hadron shielding only!
- 1) If an option does not appear in input, FLUKA provides default
parameter values in most cases. Standard defaults are also applied
when the option is present but not all its WHAT and SDUM parameters
have been defined explicitly by the user. However, some types of
problems are better handled using different defaults. Option
DEFAULTS allows to override the standard ones with others, tuned to
a specific class of transport problems.
The present set of defaults (valid if no DEFAULTS card is issued) is
equivalent to that set by SDUM = NEW-DEFAults.
- 2) IMPORTANT! Option DEFAULTS must be issued at the very beginning of
input. It can be preceded only by a GLOBAL card and by command
TITLE. This is one of the rare cases, like GLOBAL, MAT-PROP and
PLOTGEOM, where sequential order of input cards is of importance in
FLUKA (see (7)).
- 3) The name of the SHIELDINg default refers to simple calculations for
proton accelerators, where the electromagnetic component can be
neglected. It is not applicable to electron accelerator shielding or
any other shielding problem where the gamma component is important.
- 4) The responsibility of choosing reasonable defaults, compatible with
the rest of input, is left to the user. In particular, choosing the
defaults corresponding to pure EM cascade or to pure low-energy
neutron problems has the effect of turning off all initialisations
related to the hadronic generators. This will save a considerable
time at the beginning of the run, but will lead to a crash if a
hadron generator is called because of some other input option. In
particular, SDUM = EM-CASCA is incompatible with option PHOTONUC and
with beam particles different from PHOTON, ELECTRON and POSITRON;
and SDUM = NEUTRONS is incompatible with option EMF, with any beam
particle different from NEUTRON and with energies higher than 20 MeV.
On the other hand, it is possible to override some of the defaults,
in particular the various thresholds, by issuing the corresponding
DEFAULTS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EM-CASCA
* The above declaration refers to a problem where only electrons, positrons
* and photons are transported.