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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] EMFFIXSets the size of electron steps corresponding to a fixed fraction of the
total energy. The setting is done by material, giving as many EMFFIX
definitions as needed. Only meaningful when the EMF option has been
requested (explicitly or implicitly via option DEFAULTS).
WHAT(1) = index or name of the material concerned WHAT(2) = maximum fraction of the total energy to be lost in a step Default: 20% (it is strongly recommended not to set higher than this value!) WHAT(3) = same as WHAT(1); WHAT(4) = same as WHAT(2) WHAT(5) = same as WHAT(1); WHAT(6) = same as WHAT(2) SDUM = PRINT : electron and positron dE/dx and maximum allowed step tabulations for this material are printed = NOPRINT: tabulations are not printed (cancels any previous PRINT request for the given materials) = blank: ignored Default: NOPRINT Default (option EMFFIX not requested): the energy lost per step is 20% for all materials Notes:
Example (number based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 MATERIAL 13. 26.98 2.6989 3. 0. 0. ALUMINUM MATERIAL 82. 207.20 11.35 4. 0. 0. LEAD MATERIAL 29. 63.546 8.96 12. 0. 0. COPPER MATERIAL 6. 12.000 2.00 26. 0. 0. CARBON MATERIAL 7. 14.000 0.0012 27. 0. 0. NITROGEN MATERIAL 8. 16.000 0.0014 28. 0. 0. OXYGEN MATERIAL 1. 1.000 0.0001 29. 0. 1. HYDROGEN MATERIAL 0. 0.0 1.0000 30. 0. 0. TISSUE COMPOUND 5.57E-3 26.0 1.118E-3 27. 2.868E-2 28. TISSUE COMPOUND 6.082E-2 29.0 0. 0. 0. 0. TISSUE EMFFIX 3. 0.15 4. 0.15 12. 0.15 EMFFIX 30. 0.05 0. 0. 0. 0. PRINT * In this example, a maximum energy loss per step of 15% is requested * for aluminium, copper and lead, while a more accurate 5% is requested * for tissue The same example, name based: MATERIAL 13. 26.98 2.6989 10. 0. 0. ALUMINUM MATERIAL 82. 207.20 11.35 17. 0. 0. LEAD MATERIAL 29. 63.546 8.96 12. 0. 0. COPPER MATERIAL 6. 12.000 2.00 6. 0. 0. CARBON MATERIAL 7. 14.000 0.0012 7. 0. 0. NITROGEN MATERIAL 8. 16.000 0.0014 8. 0. 0. OXYGEN MATERIAL 1. 1.000 0.0001 3. 0. 1. HYDROGEN MATERIAL 0. 0.0 1.0000 0. 0. 0. TISSUE COMPOUND 5.57E-3 CARBON 1.118E-3 NITROGEN 2.868E-2 OXYGEN TISSUE COMPOUND 6.082E-2 HYDROGEN 0. 0. 0. 0. TISSUE EMFFIX ALUMINUM 0.15 LEAD 0.15 COPPER 0.15 |
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