[Fwd: Re: FLUKA: usreou.f]

To "fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch" <fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch>
From paola sala <paola.sala@cern.ch>
Date Fri, 24 Nov 2000 14:01:38 +0100
Reply-To paola sala <paola.sala@cern.ch>
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: FLUKA: usreou.f
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 12:26:00 +0100
From: paola sala <paola.sala@cern.ch>
To: Ludwik Pienkowski <pienkows@slcj.uw.edu.pl>
References: <200011240923.KAA08744@jasio.slcj.uw.edu.pl

Dear Ludwik
usreou is meant for mor "global" values. There is no memory of the
individual particles transported during the event
You should use   mgdraw.f    instead   ( activate it with the DUMPTHEM
 it has the "escape" entry codes that are set when the particles enter
the black hole. By default it writes a binary file with selected
information, but you can modify it and dump what you like.  It includes
the common
TRACKR  that contains all the quantities you need: (DO NOT MODIFY THEM )

*          Ntrack = number of track segments                           *

*          Mtrack = number of energy deposition events along the track *

*   0 < i < Ntrack                                                     *

*          Xtrack = end x-point of the ith track segment               *

*          Ytrack = end y-point of the ith track segment               *

*          Ztrack = end z-point of the ith track segment               *

*   1 < i < Ntrack                                                     *

*          Ttrack = length of the ith track segment                    *

*   1 < j < Mtrack                                                     *

*          Dtrack = energy deposition of the jth deposition event      *

*                                                                      *

*          Jtrack = identity number of the particle                    *

*          Etrack = total energy of the particle                       *

*          Ptrack = momentum of the particle (not always defined, if   *

*                 < 0 must be obtained from Etrack)                    *

*      Cx,y,ztrck = direction cosines of the current particle          *

*      Cx,y,ztrpl = polarization cosines of the current particle       *

*          Wtrack = weight of the particle                             *

*          Wscrng = scoring weight: it can differ from Wtrack if some  *

*                   biasing techniques are used (for example inelastic *

*                   interaction length biasing)                        *

*          Ctrack = total curved path                                  *

*          Zfftrk = <Z_eff> of the particle                            *

*          Zfrttk = actual Z_eff of the particle                       *

*          Atrack = age of the particle                                *

*          Akshrt = Kshrt amplitude for K0/K0bar                       *

*          Aklong = Klong amplitude for K0/K0bar                       *

*          Wninou = neutron algebraic balance of interactions (both    *

*                   for "high" energy particles and "low" energy       *

*                   neutrons)                                          *

*          Spausr = user defined spare variables for the current       *

*                   particle                                           *

*          Ktrack = if > 0 neutron group of the particle (neutron)     *

*                                                                      *

*          Ntrack > 0, Mtrack > 0 : energy loss distributed along the  *

*                                   track                              *

*          Ntrack > 0, Mtrack = 0 : no energy loss along the track     *

*          Ntrack = 0, Mtrack = 0 : local energy deposition (the       *

*                                   value and the point are not re-    *

*                                   corded in Trackr)                  *

*          Mmtrck = flag recording the material index for low energy   *

*                   neutron collisions                                 *

*          Lt1trk = initial lattice cell of the current track          *

*                  (or lattice cell for a point energy deposition)     *

*          Lt2trk = final   lattice cell of the current track          *

*          Ihspnt = current geometry history pointer (not set if -1)   *

*          Ltrack = flag recording the generation number               *

*          Llouse = user defined flag for the current particle         *

*          Ispusr = user defined spare flags for the current particle  *

*          Lfsssc = logical flag for inelastic interactions ending with*

*                   fission (used also for low energy neutrons)        *

*                                                                      *


    hope it helps

Ludwik Pienkowski wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
>  Do I have the access to the event-by-event information about the
> generated and transported particles at the moment when the particles
> cross the boundary between the vacuum and black hole?
>  I guess that particle types, momenta, time-of-flight should be
> available in the user subroutine:
>  "usreou.f USeR Event OUtput (called at the end of each event)"
> What are the capabilities of this subroutine?
> Best regards
> Ludwik Pienkowski
> Heavy Ion Laboratory Warsaw University

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