FLUKA: Evolution of residual nuclei

To "FLUKA LIST @CERN" <fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch>
From Laurent Aphecetche <aphecetc@in2p3.fr>
Date Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:31:20 +0200
Reply-To Laurent Aphecetche <aphecetc@in2p3.fr>
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

Hi all FLUKA users,

I've just re-read the paper "New developments in FLUKA modelling of
hadronic and EMC interactions" (Proc. SARE3, KEK May 1997, p32-43), and
 saw, in paragraph 4 (Residual nuclei production and scoring) the
sentence :

"A simple postprocessor is available which can evolve the residual
nuclei distribution obtained from FLUKA, according to given irradiation
and cooling times"

Gee ! This is exactly what I need. Where is this postprocessor available

Best regards,

Dr. Laurent APHECETCHE (mailto:aphecetc@in2p3.fr) (IN2P3-CNRS) 
SUBATECH-EMN-4 rue Alfred Kastler-BP 20722-44307 NANTES cedex 03
TEL (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 17 - FAX (+33/0) 2 51 85 84 24 (France)
Collaborations PHENIX http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/~aphecetc et MEGAPIE.

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