Dear FLUKA Experts,
While making a simple simulation for the calculation of dose at a receptor
at a distance 5 m below a line source of length 100 m , photon energy = 1
MeV, the Dose-Eq result from FLUKA output is 1.36E-05. Since the detector
size is taken as 10 cm radius of sphere, the actual dose-eq value for a
point detector will be 1.36 E-05 divided by volume of the detector (=
result is 3.246E-21 Sv per primary).
If the source is having an activity of 1 Bq/m, then the final result of dose
at a point below the line source is 3.246E-21 Sv multiplied by the length of
the source i.e. 100 m = 3.24E-19 Sv/sec . Since this is a standard simple
source configuration, the data can be obtained from the theoretical
calculation and the theoretical result is 3.5393E-17 Sv/sec.
Can you help me to point out why this discrepancy is occurring ??
With regards,
Riya Dey
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Received on Thu Apr 26 2018 - 10:56:28 CEST