Re: Collision tape in flair

From: Giuseppe Battistoni <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 12:58:18 +0100 (CET)

Dear Sergey
the collision tape is opened and written within the mgdraw.f user routine.
If you like, you can easily modify the open and write statements there to
have a formatted collision tape (compiling and linking the routine to your
executable). However I strongly discourage you from doing such a
thing. The reason is the following:
In general the collision tape is a very large file and if you transform it
into a formatted one, the size will be much larger (I think about a factor
of 3).
It is much more convenient to leave the collision tape as it is and read
it with a simple program, writing to a formatted unit only what you need.
In fortran an example is given in the manual at 12.2.5} (program MGREAD).

In flair there is a python routine which does that and is
It is located in /usr/local/flair

        Giuseppe Battistoni

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 wrote:

> Hello fluka experts.
> As I know, an information about particles I can obtain from collision tape using USERDUMP card. But this file will be binary. Could you tell me how can I obtain a ASCII format of this file. Is it possible to do it with flair.
> Best Regards!
> Sergey Merts
Received on Sun Jan 11 2009 - 13:31:32 CET

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