error in Dicom importation

From: Francesco Collamati <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 15:00:31 +0200

Dear FLUKA users
I am trying to import Dicom CT files in flair through the apposite section, having installed pydicom.
I know that this is a in development feature of flair, but I would just like to know if I am making some mistake, or if it is just a program bug.
In fact, when i select the folder to import, flair scans the files quickly with no apparent errors. Anywat, when i switch to the "2. Voxel" tab, flair scans slowly the files, ending with an error message: "Error slice is missing. Location z=.."
if I then try to obtain the voxel file via the button, i get as a worning "please select a DICOM dataset and clck on "update information" first" (and i don't see anywhere this option!)

Thanks in advance
Received on Wed May 29 2013 - 15:52:42 CEST

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