Finding out neutron capture location

From: Balmer, Matthew <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:09:45 +0000

I have modelled a simple scintillator loaded with boron with a neutron source. I want to know where (if it is captured in the region) in x,y,z co-ordinates the capture has taken place.

I understand that the way to do this is to use USERDUMP? I have tried:

USERDUMP 100.0 49.0 0.0

Then I ran the mgdraw file through readfluka to try and get this into a readable format. But it doesn't seem to be what I want. What is the WHAT(2) code to get x,y,z for every step of the neutron?

Can I get this information without needing to modify mgdraw? I don't mind getting more information than I need then writing a script to sort through the track information.

If I do need to modify mgdraw, am I correct in my understand that:

1) I pick a number not in use for WHAT(2), say 80.

2) Then modify EEDRAW? to get the x,y,z location of where the neutron came to rest and was captured?

3) this modified mgdraw file can be named mgrdaw_mod.f and keep in the project directory? Or does it need to overwrite the mgdraw.f in the source directory?

Apologies, I am a novice with this, I've been through the manual, the forum and some examples, and come to the above conclusion.


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