Hello everyone,
I have few questions about usimbs.f:
1) Is it ok to call usimbs.f called multiple times, once for each region
where biasing is to be applied - see image below - or whether it needs
to be called only once with regions included as a range (i.e. from
region to region).
2) I have read (in slide 21 of 'Simulation Optimization' of the most
recent advanced course), that *"usimbs.f allows to implement any
importance biasing schemed based on region number and/or phase space
coordinates." *
How can one bias purely based on phase space (i.e. without a region
number)? This would simplify my life since I would not have to be
concerned with calling the routine for every region I am interested to
apply the biasing. I only want to apply the biasing as a function of
say R (radial distance from the center of the target beyond a minimum
distance and to a maximum distance (i.e. Rmin to some Rmax).
If I set the region selection to 'blank', the routine does not get
called. So how does one bias without a region selection, using usimbs?
3) Does 'Hadrons & Muons' under Type selection (WHAT 1) include low
energy neutrons?
4) How does one best customize 'particle type selection' for '75 MeV
electron beam shielding' and '500 MeV proton beam shielding'?
Thank you very much,
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Received on Thu Apr 23 2015 - 00:17:43 CEST