RE: crash with no error

From: Markus Brugger (
Date: Fri Jul 20 2007 - 10:36:02 CEST

  • Next message: Markus Brugger: "RE: protons in O18 and N14"

    your case is a bit difficult to debug, thus I would kindly ask you to do
    the following:

    - even without error messages, I guess that in the temporary fluka
    directory a core file is produced -> could you run in the temporary
    FLUKA directory 'gdb' (gdb YourExefile coreFile) and check where the
    error occurs and what causes it? (look for HVPAIR as this might be an
    error which was recently corrected)
    - if this doesn't lead to anything, please send us the last produced
    random seed (ran* in the temporary fluka directory) and the FLUKA
    version tag you're using

    besides, just to make sure....

    - as you're using HEAVYION in this case WHAT(1) of BEAM defines the
    energy (or momentum) PER NUCLEON, and not the total energy or momentum.
    - even though I am rather sure as you included EVENTYPE, did you
    properly link DPMJET (using ldpm3qme instead of lfluka)?



                          (o o)
    |Markus Brugger Markus.Brugger@cern ch |
    |CERN |
    |Div. AB/ATB/EET, 865-2D-008 office: +41/22/767-6556 |
    |CH-1211 Geneve 23 fax: +41/22/766-9498 |
    |Switzerland mobile: +41/76/487-3415 |



    [] On Behalf Of hamide jalali
            Sent: 11 July 2007 13:21
            Subject: crash with no error
            Dear fluka users
            1. I'd like to calculate dose due to P,alpha,C,O,Si,Mg ,... in
    a cylandrical of water.for this I programmed a source.f and defined a
    particle source with a spectrum of energy.In the case of P,alpha,C,Fe
    every thing is OK but when I run my input for Si with 30000
    histories,the first cycle is OK but the run was crashed in second cycle
    at 15000th history without any error message in *.out or *.err.Then I
    increased the maximum source particle energy in BEAM card (without any
    change in source.f)the second cycle became OK but third one crashed.I
    faced same problem for Mg and O but not for C,Fe,P and alpha.I couldn't
    find where the problem is.
            2. It happened several times that the error of USRBIN result
    for example in 3 cycles is less than 5 cycles'.Dose it mean there is
    something wrong with my run?
            I'd be grateful for your help in advance.
            PS my input and source.f are in attachment.

  • Next message: Markus Brugger: "RE: protons in O18 and N14"

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