Date: Wed Nov 28 2007 - 07:44:13 CET
Dear fluka users,
I am a new Fluka user.I m trying to score energy depostion with the
USRBIN command for a simple geometry of a Aluminium cylinder filled with
nitrogen by 1.25 Mev photon.When i m trying to run this program for
histories 10 or 100 , i am getting results.But when i ran it for
histories 1000,10000 or more, it didn't run and some problem in Seed
generation occured (as observed from output file).but i m not able to
point out the fault properly.
So please help me to find the solution.I m attaching my input file and
its output files.
With regards
Prasanta Kumar Sahani
Scientific officer
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
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