Another option is to change the double "==" with single "=" in the
rfluka script, and then it works.
Chris Theis wrote:
> Dear Ariel,
> naturally one cannot judge whether there is a problem with an input file
> without it being available. However, from the diagnostics that you've
> posted you are indeed right to assume that the problem is OS or rather
> shell related. The problem is that it has been a (maybe unfortunate)
> common practice of Linux distributions to link /bin/sh to bash and as a
> consequence bash syntax was always supported even if the "plain" bourne
> shell was specified at the beginning of a script.
> However, Ubuntu uses the Debian Almquist shell (dash) as a lightweight
> replacement for the bourne shell and dash enforces strict compliance
> with the POSIX standard only! I would suspect that this is the cause of
> the error message that you have encountered.
> For more info see (
> Anyway, the message that you have seen should not pose a serious problem
> as the simulations should run & exit gracefully. I'd suggest that you
> try to either change your shell environment to bash (see the link above)
> or replace the first line in the "rfluka" script with the following one:
> !/bin/bash
> Naturally, you will have to have bash installed on your system for this
> to work!
> Hope that helps
> Chris
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> ---
> Chris Theis
> CERN/SC-RP-- European Organization for Nuclear Research
> 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
> Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
> e-mail:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> ---
> ________________________________
> Von: im Auftrag von Ariel Shnitzer
> Gesendet: Do 10.07.2008 22:50
> An:
> Betreff: FLUKA error in Ubuntu
> Good day everyone, I am getting an error message when trying to run
> FLUKA in Ubuntu 8.04 and was hoping for some assistance.
> To compile and link, I use terminal to go to my fluka directory after
> copying the modified source.f file.
> $FLUPRO/flutil/fff usermvax/source.f
> $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -o myslab -m fluka $FLUPRO/usermvax/source.o
> Then in my geometry directory, I type:
> $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e $FLUPRO/myslab -N0 -M1 slab
> This outputs to the terminal:
> $FLUPRO =3D /home/ariel/myfluarea
> /home/ariel/myfluarea/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
> 7329: old priority 0, new priority 10
> Initial seed already existing
> Running fluka in /home/ariel/radphys/slab/fluka_7329
> Running FLUKA for cycle # 1=20
> Removing links
> Removing temporary files
> Saving output and random number seed
> No ranslab002 generated!
> Saving additional files generated
> 321: unexpected operator
> End of FLUKA run
> I have had problems before with Ubuntu being "too" user-friendly, am I
> just missing some package that lets terminal interpret the -e
> command? The user next to me is running on OpenSUSE 10.3, and using
> the exact same procedure, the script runs fine. Thanks,
> Ariel Shnitzer
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