I'm sorry to re-post this, but maybe being summer it went unnoticed...
Has anybody experienced similar execution/compilation problems when running
fluka examples?
Thanks for your help,
2013/8/1 Manuel Rodríguez Pascual <manuel.rodriguez.pascual_at_gmail.com>
> Hello everyone,
> I am experiencing some problems when executing Fluka that I have
> been unable to locate.
> I intend to run Fluka on different machines, but it sometimes fails and
> sometimes not.
> I have performed this experiments on two ways: the first way is copying to
> every machine the application already compiled with no library dependences,
> and the second one is by copying the source code
>> and compiling it on every machine. Input file is always the same one, has
> been obtained from fluka's web and executed with no modifications.
> Fluka starts correctly, displaying something like (simplified for
> readability)
> ./flutil/rfluka -N0 -M5 input_file.inp
>> $FLUPRO = (...) fluka_compiled
>> $PEMF = (...) /fluka_compiled/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
> Initial seed copied from (...) fluka_compiled
>> Running fluka in / (...) /fluka_compiled/fluka_10448
>> File (...) /fluka_compiled/sigmapi.bin exists and it is not a link!
>> File (...) fluka_compiled/elasct.bin exists and it is not a link!
>> File (...) /fluka_compiled/nuclear.bin exists and it is not a link!
>> File (...) /fluka_compiled/fluodt.dat exists and it is not a link!
>> File (...) /fluka_compiled/neuxsc-ind_260.bin exists and it is not a
> link!
>> File (...) /fluka_compiled/xnloan.dat exists and it is not a link!
> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 =======================
> And now the problem arises:
>> -In some cases, the application will continue its execution for
> the desired five cycles, creating the input_file* error, out, log and
> fort files.
>> -But in other cases, the application immediately stops. No input_file*
> is generated and no error message is produced (at least in stdout, stderr,
> .log, .out or .err files).
> The problem happens in the two aforementioned ways of executing Fluka on
> different resources: copying the executable and copying the source and
> compiling it on each resource. This makes me think that the problem is not
> a compilation issue (although I'm not completely sure about this). The
> input file is the same in all cases, making me think that it isn't either
> the problem. So basically I have no clue of what's going on...
> What am I exactly doing wrong? Is there any way of locating the problem,
> debugging or something like that? is there any log where I can search for
> information?
> Thanks very much for your help. Best regards,
> Manuel
>> --
>> Dr. Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual
>> skype: manuel.rodriguez.pascual
>> phone: (+34) 913466173 // (+34) 679925108
> CIEMAT-Moncloa
>> Edificio 22, desp. 1.25
>> Avenida Complutense, 40
>> 28040- MADRID
> --
> Dr. Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual
> skype: manuel.rodriguez.pascual
> phone: (+34) 913466173 // (+34) 679925108
> CIEMAT-Moncloa
> Edificio 22, desp. 1.25
> Avenida Complutense, 40
> 28040- MADRID
Dr. Manuel Rodríguez-Pascual
skype: manuel.rodriguez.pascual
phone: (+34) 913466173 // (+34) 679925108
Edificio 22, desp. 1.25
Avenida Complutense, 40
28040- MADRID
Received on Fri Aug 02 2013 - 22:36:37 CEST