To fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch
From foucher <yann.foucher@psi.ch>
Date Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:46:39 +0200
Reply-To foucher <yann.foucher@psi.ch>
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

Dear FLUKA users,

I'm interested in a special source.
I would like to define a extended photon source such as:

Rmin = 2.7 cm
Rmax = 3.1 cm
303 cm < Z < 480 cm

After that first point, I would like to have a energy dependant source.
For each emission point, I would like to have a random sampling of the
incident photon energy.

Is there anyone who could help me to write the user-subroutine source.f
in my case.
Thanks a lot for answering

Spallation Neutron Source
Paul Scherre Institut

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