Re: FLUKA: Max. number of USRBIN binnings

To paola sala <>
From Laurent APHECETCHE <>
Date Thu, 23 Nov 2000 15:26:19 +0100
References < > < >
Reply-To Laurent APHECETCHE <>

paola sala wrote:
> Hi
> The include files are there only for the compilation of user routines (
> those in usermvax )
>  INCLUDE FILES MUST NOT BE CHANGED, since all the rest of program has
> been compiled with them.
> If you really need more usrbin , we could change the parameter in the
> next distribution. However, please consider also overall memory usage
> and program overhead ( it will loop over all defined binnings at each
> energy deposition) . Is there no way to simplify your scoring?
>                  Let me know

Well, actually, I could use USRBIN with R-Z binning I guess.
My problem is the following : I have a tank filled with D2O, of
cylindrical shape. I would like to share it into several "zones" to
score a neutron flux at each zone. Zones are defined by horizontal
planes (perpendicular to the z-axis=beam axis being vertical) and ZCCs. 
So, from my understanding of the USRBIN documentation, I should be able
to use R-Z binning, if... I knew for sure (sorry for asking what I
assume is a very stupid question...) what to give as X and Y for the
binning axis (WHAT(5) and WHAT(2))... Could you explain it to me ?

Best regards,
SUBATECH-Ecole des Mines de Nantes-4 rue Alfred Kastler-44070 NANTES
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